Celtic submit application to create second standing section inside Celtic Park

Celtic have made an application to Building Standards at Glasgow City Council  to create a second standing section inside Celtic Park.  

The application was lodged on Tuesday 13 February 2024 and relates to the south west corner of Celtic Park in the area occupied by the Bhoys Celtic ultras.

The description of works submitted by Celtic is as follows:  “Replace existing seats with safe-standing rail seating at the SW corner. Total number of seats = 455. The site address is listed as Celtic Park, 95 Kerrydale Street, Glasgow G40 3RE.

Under the category of ‘Decision date’ this is listed as ‘Not Available’ suggesting that no decision has yet been reached.

The Bhoys Celtic group moved from the back corner section of the upper North West stand to the south west corner in the lower stand and that was thought to be for safety considerations, with an assurance given that a standing section would be looked at.

Celtic seem to have done all they can by submitting the application with the matter now being with Building Standards at Glasgow City Council.

And there is no news on Celtic upgrading the main stand at Celtic Park, which is badly needed and long overdue.

Here’s the proposal that Celtic has submitted to replace 455 seats with safe-standing rail seating for use by Bhoys Celtic. Hopefully a decision will be forthcoming shortly and work can be done in time for the new season getting underway in August.

Here’s the application made by Celtic to create replace existing seating with safe-standing rail seats.

READ MORE ON:https://sportip.co.uk/

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